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'People, unless they can be their authentic true selves, can't be the best they can be,' Commissioner Bettman said. The response from the NHL was immediate, starting with NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman, who spoke to Prokop by phone.

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Video: Luke Prokop comes out as first gay player in the NHL This is just the beginning of my journey and I am excited to see where it takes me, both in hockey and in life. 'I may be new to the community, but I am eager to learn about the strong and resilient people who came before me and paved the way so I could be more comfortable today. I hope that in sharing who I am I can help other people see that gay people are welcome in the hockey community, as we work to make sure that hockey truly is for everyone. 'I wouldn't be able to do this without my amazing family, friends, and agents - who have known this about me and met me with love and support every step of the way. From a young age I have dreamed of being an NHL player, and I believe that living my authentic life will allow me to bring my whole self to the rink and improve my chances of fulfilling my dreams. 'It has been quite the journey to get to this point in my life, but I could not be happier with my decision to come out. 'Today I am proud to publicly tell everyone that I am gay. While the past year and a half has been crazy, it has also given me the chance to find my true self. The Nashville Predators defenseman prospect came out in a social media post.

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